TCFM’s Statement on Amplified Sound at the Market

The Turlock Certified Farmers Market is a place for the exchange of goods and the respectful exchange of ideas.  TCFM values tolerance and the free exchange of ideas and works hard to live up to these values.  We offer booth space to non-profit organizations; over 25 different organizations have partnered with the market this year.

On Saturday, when a speaker returned to preach at the Farmers Market, we offered him a space and asked him to respect our prohibition on amplified sound at the Market.  Nobody at the market is allowed to use amplification except for the musical performer who is booked in advance.  The speaker incorrectly insisted upon his right to freely use amplification at the market and so, after a respectful conversation, TCFM called the police to explain the limits of his rights at the Market - a private venue open to the public. 

The speaker disregarded the Market’s rules and respectful requests by using amplification to overpower the area with his views and ideas.  Some people were very upset and confronted the speaker.
Turlock Certified Farmers Market strives to be a place where all members of our community are welcome and safe - where goods and ideas are exchanged peacefully and respectfully.  We welcome groups to arrange to participate in the market subject to the market’s rules, by contacting us at  We look forward to more opportunities to grow in the exercise of our values, even when it is hard.  Thank you for your engagement on this issue and for your patronage.